In 2016 we founded a new conservation arm at the lodge to work towards better support of the river and the fish that swim in them. We named it Coast to Clouds to symbolize the importance of protecting an entire watershed at once and not a specific river. C2C is funded by donations from all our steelhead guests to support conservation projects around the Skeena region. Guests from the Babine Steelhead Lodge, Frontier Steelhead Experience, Copper Bay Lodge, and Bulkley Basecamp have all contributed money to help fund important new studies on the Skeena watershed.
What is Coast to Clouds? C2C’s is a conservation society that promotes connecting anglers to important campaigns that influence the fisheries they utilize and the surrounding environment. Let's call it appreciation for use.
How are funds raised? Funds are collected from conservation donations at all our fall steelhead fisheries. The donations are strongly urged by the lodges we work with and compliance is nearly 100%. The donations are $100-200 depending on the cost of a trip.
How long have you been doing this? C2C collected its first funds in 2017 and is currently starting to collect for the 2019 season.
Why do it this way? It’s been our experience in and around fisheries research and angling that the science and activism require money and that anglers are motivated to get involved. Instead of petitioning people annually why not enter into an ongoing financial commitment? It also engages all of us in an ongoing social contract.
How can I have a Say? We try and listen to our partner lodges, the supporters of our foundation, and the current media. Let us know what matters to you and get involved.
Do you only take client funds? I’m a client but want to do more... No, we have conservation donations from all over. If you are interested in issues affecting the Skeena or Haida Gwaii then we would love to help you direct your efforts.
What have you done so far? Since the start of our operation, we have nearly donated 100% of all our funds to 4 places. Other than the cost of startup ($1500) and bank and admin ($800) all funds have been donated. First, we gave the Native Fish Society $12,000 USD in the first round of funding and $7500 USD in the second. Native Fish Society can be summed up by the description “in the trenches fighting wherever the wild anadromous fish of the Pacific Northwest need a voice. Second, we supported Skeena Wild with $5000 to put mainly towards issues concerning LNG production in the Skeena, to do original research within our corridor, and to keep their honed ears to the street. Third, we gave $2500 to the Coastal Crysophere Conservancygroup of Smithers, BC looking to study and catalogue the remaining ice in the region and the impacts of climate change on them and the rivers we love to angle. Lastly, we gave $1000 to the Steelhead Society of BCwho do important work at a grassroots level for steelhead and salmon in BC. Locally known for their work on systems like the Dean, Skeena, Squamish, and Thompson their importance is ringing louder than ever.
For 2019(funds from 2018) we have funding commitments for issues relating to sustainable harvest practice (lower Skeena pound trap) and stream temperature issues (temp meters in the Skeena). Both of these issues were the obvious constraints on steelhead stocks during the 2018 fall season and we can’t think of a better place to re-enter the arena. Stay tuned for a blog about pound traps and their importance.
Thank you for your involvement, passion, and commitment to our causes, and your causes. Stay tuned and let's effect a little change together….
Coast to Clouds Conservation Foundation
Steve Morrow, Derek Botchford, Andrea Soto